Each year the Atlanta Business League (ABL) recognizes local chief executive officers (CEO) for outstanding participation in minority vendor development and community activities. By honoring these individuals, we also recognize the companies and organizations they represent and their many contributions and efforts on behalf of metropolitan Atlanta. The honors we confer are based in part on the willingness of extremely busy executives to take on work vital to carrying forward the agenda of the Atlanta Business League and the business community, which is establishing and building economic equality for minority enterprises.We originally started this event as a means to increase corporate involvement with the League and to create greater awareness of the many successful and accomplished Black business owners. Through experience and input of the membership, we now work to recognize those individuals who put forth time energy and resources for the betterment of the Atlanta community and the inclusion of all Atlanta’s citizenry, particularly minority entrepreneurs, in the economic mainstream of our great city.We have had the opportunity to salute those CEOs within our community who work each day to ensure that historically underutilized businesses participate in the economic mainstream of Corporate America. ABL has recognized several professionals who have made significant contributions to this effort. In doing so we also recognize the “Changing of the Guard” — a change to bold leadership, young leadership descendants of our business forefathers, leadership which recognizes the need for innovative and creativity that affords every access to the “American Dream.” Each person honored represents such leadership — Leadership for Atlanta’s future.The Atlanta Business League is the South’s oldest and most influential minority business development and advocacy organization. Formed in 1933, the Atlanta Business League seeks to provide economic empowerment and business development opportunities for minorities throughout the metro Atlanta community with specific emphasis on the development of African-American businesses.
Is the most prestigious recognition any CEO can receive. This award recognizes the true measure of a CEO’s success — commitment and fairness to people — while maximizing shareholder profits. In today’s world, that is very challenging. The CEO of the Year has an unparalleled commitment to fairness as demonstrated by his/her commitment to minority business enterprise programs even when it is unpopular amongst many of his/her corporate colleagues.
(Formerly referred to as Corporation of the Year)
Recognizes an outstanding minority business owner who is a proven leader within his industry which is evidenced by financial success and commitment to community service. Business savvy and tenacity are key components of this CEO’s success.
Recognizes an individual who has demonstrated pioneering attributes in providing opportunities for Minority Business Enterprises and the minority community at large; has reached the top in his/her profession, and has made an impression on the Atlanta community through business and civic leadership.
Recognizes the contributions of an elected official for his/her effort in enhancing opportunities for minority business. The Atlanta Business League understands and appreciates the personal sacrifice people working to serve the public make and recognize the vision and unwavering dedication needed to be successful in that role.
Recognizes an individual who has distinguished him/her self as both a community and civic leader in Atlanta and throughout the nation.
Is the ultimate badge of honor for an Atlanta Business League member. This award recognizes the ABL volunteer who continuously makes significant contributions to the mission and goals of the League.
(Formerly referred to as Corporation of the Year)
Recognizes an individual within our community who is committed to a vision for Atlanta and surrounding communities. It is vision of harmony, safety and is responsive to the needs of all citizens with fair and just economic parity. In order to understand this, one must be able to envision the dream — believe it possible — and be an active participant & developer in the realization of it.