(MARCH) | CONGRESS ON THE STATE OF BLACK BUSINESS The Atlanta Business League collaborates with many other key organizations, institutions and businesses to host the Annual Congress on the State of Black Business. The Congress is a full‐day event that reviews the current status of black business and explores the business opportunities available in metro Atlanta. |
(MAY) | CEO AWARDS LUNCHEON The ABL recognizes local Chief Executive Officers for outstanding participation in minority vendor development and community activities, based, in part, on the willingness of these leaders to support the Atlanta Business League’s efforts to create economic equality for minority enterprises. |
(JULY) | MEN OF INFLUENCE RECEPTION & INDUCTION CEREMONY Each year the Atlanta Business League publishes its list of Atlanta’s Influential Black Men. In addition to professional accomplishments, these Men of Influence have demonstrated their commitment to the citizens of Metro Atlanta by maintaining significant involvement and participation in community and civic activities. |
(SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER) | SUPER TUESDAY CONFERENCE The Super Tuesday Conference is a full‐day program focused on business owners and professionals, especially women, from throughout the metro Atlanta community. It provides workshops and training for participants, and honors African‐American female business owners and professionals from diverse business backgrounds. WOMEN OF VISION BREAKFAST The Atlanta Business League published its inaugural list of “Atlanta’s Top 100 Black Women of Influence” in 1994. Since then the honorees have been recognized at the Women Of Vision Breakfast which provides an opportunity for individuals at all levels, from grade school students to professionals in corporate America, to meet and interact with women in leading positions throughout Metro Atlanta. |
(NOVEMBER) | ANNUAL MEETING ABL members and friends look forward to the Annual Meeting dinner to review the year’s accomplishments, recognize members and discuss the following year’s goals. |
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